Lots of new fabric and stuffing to play with!

This was my second weekend attempting cat beds…below is the third cat bed I’ve made. I went to LA’s downtown fashion district and got a ton of fabric and stuffing last weekend…SO cheap! It’s so much better to get a deal on fabric, considering I screw up so much of it! The leopard print was only $2 a yard…but it’s really soft. The stuffing bags were only $8 each. Those kinds of deals blow Joanne’s Fabric right out of the water!

So the bed isn’t purrfect…but it has potential. I’m still trying to get the hang of my sewing machine. I’m a bit trepidatious about sewing really thick fabric because I’m constantly worried the needle is going to break and fling into my eye. I guess I’ve seen too many trailers for Final Destination. Plus, my friend Kim just posted about sewing through her knuckles…again! How scary!

The photo below is of my rescue, Lola, with the new cat bed. She refused to actually get on the bed. In fact, I dropped her on top of it several times and she bolted off like her feet were on fire. At least she had the good grace to sniff it fondly and agreed to pose next to it. Oh well…with five cats, one of them is bound to like it!

Lola, the cat who is NEVER impressed!


You can view my previous cat be post here.


Update, August 24, 2011
I brought the bed into work because I thought FOR SURE the boss’ dog would like it. After all, she eats poo…how hard can it be to please her? Well, I guess it smelled like cats…because she wouldn’t touch it. I tried to put her on it…even sprinkled treats on it…but she kept jumping off in alarm. Turns out she still wants to be close to me, so she slept inches away.

Yes, that is a feather in her hair….little diva!

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