I know this has nothing to do with acting, but those of you who follow me on Twitter know that I can usually be found watching WWE at least twice a week. I owe a lot of my recent happiness to my rediscovery of wrestling! I used to watch it in college during The Rock’s heyday. I hate to admit it, but I had a lifesize cardboard cutout of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson for a long time.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching WWE! I do watch some IMPACT wrestling on occasion, but I don’t know enough to have favorites. So, here is my list for 2012.
Juliette’s Top 10 WWE Superstars
- Randy Orton – I LOVE to watch this guy wrestle. I hope we see more of him. In my opinion, he’s got the best ring pose EVER. I’d like to see him get worked into more story lines. He deserves it.
Team Hell No – I used to love watching and rooting for both of them as individuals, but they’ve gone too far down the tag team road for me to see them individually anymore. I look forward to seeing what they come up with for these two! By the way…”I AM THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!!”
- Sheamus – This is one of the few wrestlers whose mike-work is as interesting as the wrestling. He’s fun to watch!
- Kofi Kingston – I’m so pleased Kofi is getting more time on the air! Not only are the writers giving him more matches, but he’s also getting some time to show off his trash-talking skills! I also wish there was more matches with Justin Gabriel. I love the athleticism and excitement!
- Big Show – I LOVED Big Show as a face. My favorite thing about him was how great he interacted with the kids. When he turned heel, I almost abandoned the Big Show bus…but it’s finally working for me. Face or heel, Big Show is a wrestler I like to watch! He’s good on the mic and in the ring.
- Damien Sandow – Love the shtick. It works for me and I don’t feel like his character is getting stale. I thought the Rhodes Scholars tag team addition was brilliant! And who doesn’t love a guy who wears pink, holds the mike like an alcoholic beverage, and does cartwheels in celebration?
- John Cena – I know what you are going to say, but I don’t care. I like Cena for one reason. HE LOVES TO WRESTLE AND IT SHOWS. His enthusiasm is contagious and he’s good for the sport.
- Zack Ryder – Poor Zack. He’s in good shape, has a great attitude, and I think he’s talented. But he doesn’t even get entrance music anymore! Zack Ryder needs repackaging (although I do love the WOO WOO bit). I loved it when he was involved in the Eve/Cena scandal earlier in the year. I hate it that the writers just dropped that entire storyline.
- Wade Barrett – I became a fan of Wade back when he was feuding with Randy Orton. I’m not a huge fan of what they did with Wade after he came back from his elbow injury (pushed the “bare knuckle brawler” thing way too hard), but I’m very happy he’s getting ring time.
- Kaitlyn – This girl looks like a wrestler and give me hope that the divas division may someday be watchable. I have never fast forwarded a match she was in.
Superstars who I wish would be completely re-packaged (or in some cases, just go away!)
- CM Punk – Before you guys threaten to hang me…hear me out. I LOVED CM punk prior to his heel turn. Although maybe CM Punk should be a heel, this was the wrong way to do it. He’s hardly wrestling now. His heel turn came out of nowhere and it doesn’t work for me. This version of CM Punk doesn’t showcase him like he should be. RESPECT? The writers should show him some respect and stop trying to hard to make us hate him. I still don’t hate him. I hate your choices. I shouldn’t have to feel bad for liking the BEST IN THE WORLD!!!
- Eve & The Entire Divas Division. Repackage it…NOW. I’ve been catching up on past women’s matches and the current divas division needs to actually wrestle and get some real time on TV. Abysmal.
- Antonio Cesaro – I fast forward every time he’s on. I can’t imagine a repackage of any kind will work.
- Alberto Del Rio – Ditto. This guy is so boring. I do like it when his personal ring announcer is involved. But in general, I fast forward. I LOVE watching Randy Orton, but even that rivalry didn’t do it for me.
- 3MB (Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal) – It’s not their fault. It’s just not going to work. As individual wrestlers, they were losing every match prior to putting together 3MB. I don’t see any story line making this successful for them as a group.
- Cody Rhodes – He’s amazingly talented, but he needs something else. Maybe that crazy new mustache is going to put him over?
I hope to enjoy TLC (Tables, Ladders, Chairs PPV) this weekend, along with my cats. They enjoy spending time with me while I yell at the TV. It often translates into extra treats for them.
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