This is a list from my first trip to England…my first trip out of the US, actually. I was super excited to finally have a passport. Until now, I had only been to Canada and Mexico. We started planning a few months ago. It was quite a difficult job getting all the details in place. It’s not easy to leave the country for 2 weeks when you have 5 cats!

So here it is…


  1. Turns out…math actually WAS important. I feel like a child trying to pay for things and it has been a constant struggle with conversions of measurements and temperatures. I have NO idea how cold it really is outside.
  2. Eggs apparently do not spoil if you don’t refrigerate them. Who knew?
  3. I have determined I will never be able to actually drive here. It’s like I’m in a foreign country or somefink.
  4. Tea makes you regular. 🙂
  5. Cold weather does not agree with my knee.
  6. English accents are even cuter on children!
  7. They recycle food in England. I have tried to wrap my head around this one…but I am seriously creeped out by this. YOU HAVE TO…or they fine you. So basically, the government will know if you didn’t eat your vegetables.
  8. The microwave is a great place for bread.
  9. No matter how stupid it may look, the “around the neck passport holder thingy” was awesome. I will never fly without it again.  (Zebra coloring optional.)
  10. Translations from English to American English:
    Ta = Thanks
    Wot? = What?
    Lorry = Big Truck
    Cuppa = Tea
    Played Away = Cheating
    Dustman = Trash Collector


Can’t get away from The Room!

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